
eDevOpsGuru Academy

10 week intensive hands-on program under guidance of your mentor and support of network peers. Build your LinkedIn profile to showcase your work.

Apply for high renumeration regular or remote Jobs. Your mentors would provide required coaching to help you succeed.


Devops Boot Camp

10 week intensive program designed by Indudstry veterans in DevOps, Security and Test Automation.

  Current & Upcoming Batches
#Start DateEnd DateRemote/Class RoomVenueEnrolments (Open/Close)Enrolment Link
130/Jan/2021 Remote Online Open
  Class Schedule:

1. Classroom session - Theory and lab session remotely
    - Saturday: 1 & 1/2 hours
    - Sunday: 1 & 1/2 hours

  Topics Covered:

1. Introduction to DevOps
2. Introduction to Cloud Computing
3. Advanced Cloud Computing - IAM, S3, EC2
4. Live personal website hosted on AWS
5. Version Control and Git
6. Introduction to GitLab
7. Configuration Management using Ansible
8. Linux
9. Build automation using Maven
10. Building baic DevOps pipeline using Jenkins
11. Advance DevOps pipeline with Jenkins & GitLab integration
. Zero-touch automated pipelines with Jenkins, GitLab and other tools
13. Integrating Continuous Testing in DevOps using Selenium IDE/Katalone
14. Continuous Deployment using Jenkins
15. Dockers for seamless packaging & distribution
16. Infrastructure as code with AWS & Terraform
17. Continuous Monitoring using Nagios
18. Continuous Monitoring for business success - Use case discussion
19. Continuous Security, OWASP Top 10 Web Vulnerability - basic introduction
20. Final Project

Please feel free to tell in your network about this DevOps Community that we are starting